

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Let us always turn outward in love to those around us, and express christ-like attributes just as a small child is without sin"

So I have tons to tell so my apologies for it being scattered!

So Monday of last week my companion got uber sick! He tends to get headaches a lot, but this time it was a stomach bug...not pretty. We stayed in Monday night and he stayed home Tuesday while I went out with the Wellington Elders. Super fun! We uncovered more spanish people for us to teach and had an amazing dinner! I don't remember what it was called, unfortunately :( While out, we had a lesson with this exchange student named Louisa, from Germany. Reminded me of Sina!!! But Louisa is 16 and in High school. Anywho, we gave the lesson and I bore my testimony and it was really funny cuz she was like, "When you talk, it's like you dig deep into my soul, find me, and pull me out". I was like, uhhhh aca-awkward, but cool? haha it was strange but funny!

We are also teaching these 2 young boys, one is 8 and the other 11. They are so awesome! The mum is less-active and the dad is a non-member but their excitement in taking the lessons is taking the whole family to church! We dropped off a BoM to them this week and when we visited them yesterday night they had already begun reading on their own! Ah...life is good. haha On my free time I was able to draw out the Plan of Salvation in english and spanish. Also, since the 2 boys said they weren't sure if they'd be ready for baptism at the end of the month, I drew out a road map with all the lessons so they could visually see where they stand. They were really excited when I gave it to them last night.

So church continues to be the same. We visit 3 wards every sunday depending on where we have investigators. It really is awesome attending 3 times though. I feel I was somewhat prepared for it going to Amanda's, Caleb's, and the YSA ward sometimes. haha So we got suckered into giving a talk in the 4th ward next Sunday so that will be fun! It's kind of nice since they didn't assign a topic. 

So i've noticed missionaries get kind of praised. Haha Like everyone is attentive when we speak, and afraid when we give a lesson or come to their house. Like we are there to chastize them. Super funny! We had a lesson with a boy and his gf (he is leaving on his mission in april) and he started asking all these questions about missionary life. Here I was thinking I was no help in my advice but he said I helped a lot with what I said. Super nice! Just shows I've let myself grow the short time i've been out. Yet, I don't know where this month has gone! Super fast!

I've been able to exercise every morning this week! Awesomeness! Hopefully I stop losing weight. I'm up to 7 pounds lost since I left. Wah wah wahhhhh. That's ohtay though....pretty much the least of my worries. Studying is taking off!! It's a different level of understanding when you let yourself get enveloped in the work. I wonder why I waited so long to get in depth with them haha. Especially seeing the power they have to relate to people's lives.

So We have a baptism this Saturday! We had 3, but the two young brothers didn't go to church :( But the one that remained strong, Flor, is amazing! She is living with her sister who is a member, reading the book of mormon, and accepted baptism the first lesson we had for her! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Super great day! So that's this saturday at 1. Booyah!

I've also come to the point where lotion, water, and chap stick are my best friends. How do people survive in this dry climate boggles my mind. haha although with the dryness and elevation, it's like my workouts are in a hyperbolic time chamber. Yeah, I went DBZ on y'all. I'm sure Billy will appreciate it haha

So I had my first Zone meeting on Thursday and it was so awesome! Everyone just worked together in edifying each other. My zone leaders said they were surprised with my maturity level being a greenie, and that the insight I brought was really deep. Awesomesauce, no? I give credit to the obedience i'm giving to my mission. Blessings and happiness!

We have been doing many wonders in the spanish community!! Although we are a bilingual area, i've really been stressing that we visit our hispanic investigators and we are reaping the fruits of our labors! It is amazing how ready people are to receive the message we offer.

So not to bore you too much, great things are happening! Happiness runs in abundance, though don't mistake, I miss you all dearly. This week I have been studying in Mosiah, and let me tell you it is awesome. 2 things I want to share, Mosiah 3:19 "Porque el hombre natural es enemigo de Dios...a menos que se someta al influjo del Santo Espiritu, y se despoje del hombre natural, y se haga santo por la expiacion de Cristo el Señor, y se vuelva como un niño: sumiso, manso, humilde, paciente, lleno de amor y dispuesto a someterse cuanto el Señor juzgue conveniente imponer sobre el, tal como un niño se somete a su padre." Let us always remember that carnal man is a natural enemy of God. Let us always turn outward in love to those around us, and express Christ-like attributes just as a small child is without sin. Mosiah continues is Chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 saying that if we truly believe in the gospel of Christ, we MUST do them. Let our faith not be selective with commandments or those we share them with. The gathering of Israel is happening and every member with knowledge of the truth has a duty to take it to the four corners of the world. 

Love you all!

Elder Castellanos 

Quotes of the Week

"That little green poop looking thingy?" (referring to Yoda) - David Ramirez

"When you'z waz babtizedd" -Bishop

"We are the modern day black people" - Freddy Sanchez

"Thank you Jesus fot his misery you have blessed us with" - Freddy Sanchez

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day that I didn't have to work...cuz work sucks...in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" - Denise Ramirez