

Monday, March 3, 2014

"Our choice to obey or disobey God's standard of morality will largely determine our happiness in life."

Bonjour ma famille!

Okay, first thing's first - If you haven't read the March edition of the Ensign...stop reading this and go read it now! SUPER good! I really enjoyed "What is the Lord's Standard of Morality" and "Eternal Perspective". But they are all super good. I know there is one that will make mum cry. So read it...all of you!

Tay - moving on...

This week was super nuts! We hit standards last week and wanted to keep it going so we focused on finding new people. We currently have 5 people on date for baptism - 4 of which are for the end of this month, and 1 beginning of April. We have 3 more prospects that should be baptized late April. We have really been pushing to find families. It is more rewarding to me when we can help our brothers and sisters to understand God's eternal plan for us.

So I got sick. Wah wah wahhhhh. I think the less-active family we visited Tuesday may have it out for us. Haha super sad. But I finally healed up yesterday which was super nice because we had a super good dinner at an hispanic family's home :)

Fridayyyyy we had a mission conference for all spanish-called missionaries for a new program called Daily-Dose in Cedar City. We rode down with members and it took 4 hours o.O anywho, this program is where the church calls a couple to teach hispanics english. The focus is to gain friendship in the home, teach gospel principles along with conversational english, and invite elders over every 4th and 6th lesson. Super effective! But that was from 9-3 then we stayed in Cedar for the night. We walked around and a couple stopped and asked where we were going. He gave us a ride, bought us food, then took us to his house to visit. SUPER NICE. Doug and Julie Christian were there names. A true blessing for that day. Then we drove back up Saturday morning and it was just a weird day o.O Being off of our schedule felt so awkward. Bleh

On a side note, we had a nerf war last p-day at the stake center! Super fun! I included pictures. I also bought a guitar with birthday money I got from my family. I've begun to learn chords and can play half of "hero" by Enrique Iglesias. haha but to keep me focused I began learning hymns too. I'll include a picture of the guitear next week!

In my personal study i've been studying a lot in Preach My Gospel and the Liahona. I can sum it up with one quote; "Our choice to obey or disobey God's standard of morality will largely determine our happiness in life".  In these latter days, men think they have the ability to justify sin - can we truly interpret God's commandments how we wish? Is that not the reason that a Restoration was necessary? "May each of us be a part of that pure generation and embrace the Lord's Standard..." I also saw this really nice quote in a bishop's office...it said, "Sometimes God calms the storm...but sometimes God lets the storm rage, and calms His child" We are on Earth to face afflictions and tribulations. Don't question God for the storm that may be in your midst - pray for him to calm your mind and soul. Seek to understand His will, and we can find peace with our troubles - This I humbly pray, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; Amen.