

Monday, January 5, 2015

"Our Savior lives...He is very aware of all of us - personally. May we use His atonement daily. His yoke is easy, and His burden light.

Believe it or not it's a new year! Woot! (cue fireworks)

Kay well it's not too exciting...as a matter of fact, not much is done to celebrate it around these here parts of utah. Quiet evening with a movie at a member's home with pizza. It was neat!

So i've really come to despise the holidays as a missionary - ain't nobody home to visit! haha see my utahan come out there? and when they are home, too busy with family that came in for the holidays! Grrrrr -_-" #DaStruggleIzReal

Although this past week picked up a bit more...we planned to see people better and were able to hit standards. Really neat! So we started teaching these peruvians and they are so golden! They return to Peru the 8th of this month to be baptized with their families :) how neat, huh?

Also, yesterday we met sister Jodi. Her friend has been inviting her out to church forever! so she finally came and we had a lesson with her after sacrament meeting. Said she felt the spirit and she knows it's true. We gave her a baptismal date at the end of this month and she accepted.

Miracles are happening :D I know it's because of the consecration and devotion we gave all this transfer. As I reflected on 2014, I really had gratitude in my heart. Blessings galore! Heavenly Father takes such great care for us. I felt I never really thanked him enough. I committed myself to saying a gratitude prayer every day. Probably did this before but i'm doing it again. I invite each of you to kneel every day, and just Thank Heavenly Father for the things he gave you that day. I miss and Love you all. 

Our Savior lives...He is very aware of all of us - personally. May we use His atonement daily. His yoke is easy, and His burden light.