What a beautiful week to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. For this week i'd just like to share my notes on General Conference and a little bit of what I hold to be true. BUT, since I know some of you might not read it til' the end, i'll ad my testimony first.
I bear my witness that we are all Children of a Heavenly Father, who loves us. I bear testimony that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He was born, and lived a perfect life as a flawless template for us to follow. He took upon himself the sins, worries, and tribulations of the world and sealed the act with His own blood. On the third day, he took up His life and His body and spirit were reunited in a glorified state - never to be separated again. He has paved the way and opened the gates to Heaven that all who choose to believe and act in His name may have everlasting life. His perfect gospel has been restored by Heavenly Messengers to modern prophets who lead and guide us today. I testify that Thomas S Monson, is the Lord's living prophet. I testify that through those same heavenly messengers, the priesthood authority to act in God's name and perform His holy ordinances has been restored. I testify that God's plan of happiness intends families to be together forever. Through the Lord's holy temples this is possible. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I have taken upon myself his name, and have accepted sacred promises to endure and stand as a witness of Him in all times, in all things, and in all places. This is His church, His kingdom once again on the Earth. He is our cornerstone, our Leader, our Master, our Brother and Friend.I love Him. I love my Heavenly Father. I love my family. I invite all to know of Him. That you may all come to know truth, "for he that asketh, receiveth - and he that seeketh, findeth." Is my humble prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
GC Saturday Session
Henry B Eyring
As we reach out to succor others, we reach out to succor him.
Interview with Christ - Then shall the king say unto them on the right hand, come ye blessed of my father, for i was an hungered and ye gave me meat...
How can we deserve it?
Simple Commandment - Law of the fast
Rich promises are made to those that fast, and assist the needy.more than clothe and feed bodies - help heal hearts
If he lives it long enough, he will receive the blessing promised. - not just once, or twice. - Until it has been planted in our hearts.
Boyd K Packer
Cookie and a Kiss
The end of all activity in the church is to see that a man and a woman and their children are happy at home, sealed together for all time and eternity.
The commandment to multiply and replenish the earth continues to be an essential part of the plan of salvation.
Power of procreation is the plan of happiness - it is the key.
Avoid situations where physical desires can take control
The sealing in the temple is part of the full completion of true love.
We cannot escape the consequences when we transgress.
Every debt of transgression must be paid.
No scars will remain because of the atonement.
God is our Father.
His mercy is without limit.
Sealing is much more of a wedding.
The atonement can push you through to those limits you desire to reach.
You can "remember your sins no more"
Linda K Burton
Because of the office I hold, I am required to tell the truth. She is perfect.
Life without Craig, would not be life.
Husband is not more attractive to his wife, than when he is serving as a worthy priesthood holder.
Makeshift fence. Obedience. Love of a father. Role as a protector. Be like dad.
What it takes to be a "real" man?
Satan is not just angry for not having a body - he has also forfeited the opportunity to have the role of a father.
When was the last time I complimented my companion
When have I prayed for them
When Have I stopped myself from saying hurtful
When was the last time I chose to be happy, rather than fight to prove i'm right.
Thee lift me, and i'll lift thee, and we will ascend together.
Dallin H Oaks
Conference topics are assigned by heavenly help
Parable of the sower.
Seed that was sown is the word of the kingdom, or the word of God, the teachings of the master and his servants.
The soil represents how his children receive the message.
It serves as a warning.
Stony ground - those who immediately receive it with gladness, but are offended when persecution arises.
No root - converted to the missionaries or attractive characteristics of the church or its membership.
Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival.
Exposure of spiritual strength.
If the emblems of the sacrament are being passed and you are texting or whispering or playing video games or doing anything else that denies you spiritual food.
Keyhole view of the gospel- focuses on a limited aspect of the church and ignores the whole view of the fruits of the gospel.
Among thorns- Hear the word but the cares of the world and deceitfulness of riches make it unfruitful.
The root of all evil is not money - it is the love of money.
Cares, riches, and pleasures of this life.
Putting the cares of this world in front of God in our actions and thinking.
Addictions, distractions, and entitlement mentality. - Damnatiion
Fear of the future hinders our ability to go forth in faith.
Thats been the whole story of the church hasnt it, you have to be willing to offend here, you have to be willing to take the risk, thats where the faith comes in, its supposed to be hard, its supposed to be a test in this mortal world.
I want to stress again of really living what we claim to believe. In everything we do.
Difference between being leaven in society and being digested by society.
Good ground - How can we prepare ourselves to be that good ground?
They that keep the word with patience.
Seek to be firmly rooted and converted.
Achieve conversion by prayer, service, scripture reading and continual partaking of the sacrament.
L Whitney Clayton
Light in the distance and the fight to get there.
There was hope.
Took courage that no matter how bad things are, there is help if we reach the light.
If we search it, there will always be a spiritual light to offer rescue.
Recognizing spiritual light vs physical light.
Begins with our initial desire to believe.
Give place in our hearts.
Requires personal choice and action
For every one that asketh, receiveth....
"Believe the works..."
Closer to the light we get, the brighter it seems.
Sometimes we lose glimpse of the light.
Sometimes we aren't sure what the light is, but we know there is refuge.
IF we choose to believe, the Savior's light will show us the way.
He stands ready to receive you.
L Tom Perry
Family issues
We now live in a culture of temporary where more and more people are giving up on marriage as a public commitment.
- Pope Francis
Families are the basic unit of society.
Muslim scholar who quoted the Proclamation to the family.
Love of spouse. Hope and dreams for children. We are all the same.
Marriage between a man and a woman.
How is this church different?
Only we have the eternal perspective of the restored gospel. We make it a subject of eternity. Families go back before this earth was, and they will go forward into eternities.
Raise responsible children.
Marriage vows
(signal went away :( )
Families have always mattered, and always will.
Through marriage and families we can unite with the rest of the world.
The older I get, the further I'm convinced that the family is the center of life.
David A Bednar
Eliminate fear with the gospel
Should not be frightened but remember the Lorf their God
Alma did not hush their fears, but merely reminded them to trust in GOd which enabled them to hush their own fears.
Jesus Christ is the only source of peace.
Look to Christ - always fxed in all times and in all places
"Lord, save me"
Build upon the foundation of Christ
Helaman 5:12
We are connected to the Savior as we make and keep covenants.
Press forward with a faith in Christ
Submit to his will and timing.
We can be blessed to hush our fears
Godly Fear
Peace, Assurance, and Confidence
Reverence, respect, and awe for the Lord
Godly fear is the beginning of knowledge
Fear God, and keep his commandments.
Godly fear dispels mortal fear
We will never measure up
D Todd Christofferson
Your love is your own private possession
It is not merely your love in marriage that joins you with God
Intelligences - spirits - Mortal body - Resurrection - Crowned with respective glory.
(Pause for situation being handled)
I can teach you to dance - but you have to hear the music
We learn the steps with our minds, we hear the music in our hearts.
If our converts learn the steps, but don't hear/feel the music - they will eventually stop dancing or keep dancing for the mere pressure of those dancing around them.
M Russell Ballard
RM does not mean retired mormon.
Balance your life with spiritual experiences.
Understand the importance of visiting the lonely, sick, or discouraged.
Seminary. Institute. Religious education in college.
Continue to find ways to learn and receive guidance.
Never think you are too busy to study the gospel.
4 courses encouraged.
Put down your cell phone and look around :P
YSA's need to date and marry. Stop delaying.
Anxiously engaged in courting and dating.
Don't text, use your voice.
Marry. Serve. Lead
Larry M Gibson
What you see is silver reflecting you. If you focus on the silver, it will keep you from seeing the picture of the destiny Heavenly Father has prepared for you.
I never want to do that again - unless my son wants to.
The son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the father do.
I do nothing of myself, but of my father who taught me.
Honor and Protect Womanhood
Do your sons see you striving to do what heavenly father would have them do?
Without waiting too long, marry a daughter to God.
Learn to be a Father.
Assist your father in his duties
Support your mother
Dieter F Uchtdorf
Potempkin Village
Make believe we are better than we really are
Extremes in desire to impress shift from useful to deceitful.
Lips close but hearts are far from them.
Priesthood holders who cover their sins - the heavens withdraw themselves.
Lost focus of the essence of the gospel.
Examine our hearts to make correction.
What is our ministry?
Desire to follow my Master.
Yearn to do all He asks.
Hunger to be edified by the spirit.
Be a better man.
Learn how to more effectively minister to those in need.
Love my Heavenly Father and His Son
Blazing Bonfire
If you feel small and weak, come unto Christ.
Arent we all in need of repair
Come to church to heal
GC Sunday Session
Thomas zS Monson
Few challenges, but countless blessings.
When we enter the doors of the temple, we leave everything of the world behind.
Peace of the temple will transcend any worry or fear the human heart can have.
Go to the temple
Remember the covenants that were made there.
Spirit of temple worship
Rosemary M Wixon
Ask the Lord to give me courage.
When testimony was brought to ashes, all that was left was JEsus Christ.
Man does not comprehend all things that God does.
Jose A Teixeira
3 Habits for healthy online activity
1. Visit the church's official website for resources
2. Subscribe to church's social network
3. Make time to set aside your mobile devices.
Gerard Causse
Can you imagine being in his presence??
Have we become insensitive to the messages of the spirit?
The people began to forget...
Is the gospel still wonderful to you??
If we seek, we shall find.
Anchor your faith in the plain and simple truths of the gospel.
What effort or great length would I go to attend church?
Seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Never do anything to lose the gift of the spirit.
Brent H Nielson
Parable of the Prodigal Son
The Father response in a loving and caring manner.
After all his efforts, he just watched, and waited.
Let her go, but not without letting her know the love that there is for her.
Although we can"t embrace all of someone's choices , we can embrace them.
Watch, pray, and wait.
All of us are lost and need to be found.
Jeffrey R Holland
The love for my brother. How many a times did he just wait for me to do something foolish and then grab and pull me up, and save me. How many councils were rejected, yet still patiently waited to save me from falling.
Are we all just hanging?? Are we all just desperately and anxiously searching for something to grasp?
All part of His eternal plan.
Dieter F Uchtdorf
Never lose our sense of awe and eternal gratitude for the savior's sacrifice.
God loves us deeply, perfectly, ad everlastingly.
Grace of God
Grace unlocks the gates of heaven. Opens the window of heaven.
We cannot earn our way into Heaven on our own.
Grace is our hope.
To inherit this glory we need more than an unlocked gate.
We must enter with a full and sincere heart with an intent and action to change.
Windows of Heaven.
Are we Simon? Going through the motions?
Are we the woman? Worried of being lost by our sins?
When we pray, do we reflect on our righteousness? Or do we cry out aand plead to be forgiven of our own nothingness?
Merge our works with God's grace.
Grace is a gift of God.
Don't walk - Run!
Freely choose to follow him today and always.
Kevin W Pearson
Oh God, bless me that I may not lose my testimony
No one at any age is exempt from Satan
Distraction and Deception
Hanging in there is not a principle of the gospel.
Casual obedience and lukewarm commitment includes wavering faith.
Lehi's Dream
1. Don't forget to pray.
2. Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.
3. Press Forward with a steadfastness in Christ.
4. Book of Mormon is KEY. Cling to truth. Be patient.
5. Don't be distracted and deceived.
6. Stay by the tree. Converted.
Cannot return from your mission to Babylon.
If you lose the Spirit, you are lost.
I made this decision as a 20 year old boy, and made sacred covenants with God.
Average is the enemy of excellence.
Neil L Anderson
We are not casual in our faith.
We deeply love him.
If everything is going perfectly for you right now...just wait.
He is the grand architect.
Can you see the hand of God in your life??
Opening of our spiritual eyes.
Stand steadfast.
Jorge F Zeballos
2 great commitments.
1. seek our own salvation
2. serve all other men
Salvation=Exaltation=Achieving highest degree of glory
If you don't know where you want to go, it doesn't matter which path you take.
A person's word should be enough to establish truth and commitment.
Jesus was able to forgive sin because he had the power to do so by his word before performing the atonement.
If it is our Father's will to take him home, then it is well with us.